Judge lynn toler Net Worth | Celebrity Net Worth

 "Judge lynn toler Net Worth" : Net Worth: Estimates vary, but most reliable sources place Judge Toler's net worth between $1 million and $15 million.

Judge lynn toler Net Worth | Celebrity Net Worth

"Judge lynn toler Age"

Age: As of today, February 18, 2024, Judge Toler is 64 years old. She was born on October 25, 1959.

"Judge lynn toler Height"

Height: Judge Toler's height is reported to be 5 feet 1 inch (1.55 meters).

"Judge lynn toler Nationality"

Nationality: Judge Toler is American. She was born and raised in Columbus, Ohio.

Here are some additional details you might be interested in:

Career: Judge Toler is a lawyer, arbitrator, author, and television personality.

Education: She earned a bachelor's degree from Harvard College and a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Pennsylvania Law School.

Television career: Judge Toler is best known for her role as the presiding judge on the television show "Divorce Court."

Personal life: She is married to Eric Mumford and has two sons, Xavier and William.

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