Garry cook net worth

 Garry Cook is a British businessman and sports executive. Let’s delve into the details:

Garry cook net worth
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Biography: Garry Cook was born in 1958 in Birmingham, England

He attended the University of Birmingham, where he earned a degree in business and economics. His career in the sports industry began in the early 1980s when he worked for the English Football Association. Later, he joined Nike, where he held several senior positions, including Vice President of Global Sports Marketing. In 2008, Cook became the CEO of Manchester City Football Club

During his tenure, Manchester City won the Premier League title in 2012 and 2014. After leaving Manchester City, he joined the United Arab Emirates Football Association as its Executive Director. Cook is currently the CEO of Birmingham City F.C. and has also been appointed as the executive president and CEO of the Saudi Professional League.

Net Worth: Garry Cook’s net worth is estimated to be around $20 million1. His income primarily comes from his successful career as a CEO.

Height: Unfortunately, Garry Cook’s height is not available in the information provided.

Nationality: Garry Cook is of British nationality.

In summary, Garry Cook has had an impressive career in sports management and has made significant contributions to various organizations throughout his professional journey. His net worth reflects his success in the industry. 🌟🏆

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