Milo and Max's Hospital Visit


An orange chubby cat named Milo and his chubby kitten Max visited the hospital to check on Max's health.

Scene 1: Hospital

Image Prompt: An orange chubby cat and his chubby orange kitten entering a hospital lobby, filled with doctors, nurses, and patients.

Milo and Max's Hospital Visit

Scene 2: Looking for Doctor

Image Prompt: The orange chubby cat and his kitten searching for the doctor's office in the hospital corridors, looking at the signs with curiosity.

Milo and Max's Hospital Visit

Scene 3: Chubby Cat Lost All His Documents

Image Prompt: The orange chubby cat realizing he has lost all his medical documents, searching his bag frantically while the kitten looks worried.

Milo and Max's Hospital Visit

Scene 4: Chubby Cat Crying Because He Lost All Documents

Image Prompt: The orange chubby cat sitting in the hospital waiting area, crying with tears streaming down his face, while the kitten tries to comfort him.

Milo and Max's Hospital Visit

Scene 5: Doctor Gives Them Free Check-Up

Image Prompt: A kind doctor reassuring the chubby orange cat and his kitten, offering them a free check-up with a warm smile.

Milo and Max's Hospital Visit


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